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 For the start of creating this magazine I had a look at various different other film magazines to get an idea for what I wanted to create, I settle with a directors magazine as a more niche version of a film magazine because I didn't want to recreate other magazine that already exist and I had some ideas already that went with my directors magazine. Initially I started by creating the masthead in illustrator using the pen tool. Had the thought of going for the name 'direct' from the start and with experimentation added the clapper as the letter C because I felt it made that very obvious Link then to the magazine itself and didn't look out of place at all. After landing on a design I liked I then moved that design into adobe indesign to create the main layout of my magazine. I started by creating the bones of the front cover adding the text and the masthead to get an idea of where my images would go when I had taken them. After this I moved onto doing this for all of my
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Research Codes & Conventions Magazine

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Institutional Research Magazine

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Initial Ideas Magazine

Have it be a mix between current film magazines, FILM & Little White Lies keeping the standard look and overall idea from the FILM covers but implementing the little white lies graphics into the cover.  the sub genre for my magazine will vary a lot as I want to make a directors magazine getting an insight on the directors/producers POV of how certain films have come about to be what they have become and the process it takes to get there. The specific target audience for this magazine is 16 to 25 year old middle and upmarket media literate audience. Write an overview of your magazine - What values will it stand for/how will it be represented/what sort of content will it include/how will it appear to the target audience? My magazine will appeal to the audience because it will have pages on the contents page based on everything to do with the BTS of a movie which a media literal audience would have an interest in PHOTOSHOOTS I NEED TO PLAN AND TAKE. Front Cover (1) 1) A man in a shirt

Statement of intent

Statement of intent  The intent for my magazine is to create it more so for aspiring film directors as opposed to the traditional film magazine based on the movies itself. I aim to have 2 covers and 2 single page contents pages that are filled with director based ideas but also about upcoming films and how they are made / what process the crew have to go through to make them. My contents page will have titles that refer to these things with short comments under each of them explaining briefly what the title refers to. My front covers will have images of upcoming directors on it with fitting headlines to match the main image the will also cover the main codes and conventions of a normal magazine using the barcode in the bottom corner of the front cover with the price and the date all together. I will also link it back to Bauers group by possibly adding their logo somewhere on my front cover to show that we are in fact apart of Bauer for the media literate audiences we are targeting so t